Web Scraping of Quotes from Famous People using BeautifulSoup Take 3

SUMMARY: The purpose of this project is to practice web scraping by gathering specific pieces of information from a website. The web scraping code was written in Python and leveraged the BeautifulSoup module.

INTRODUCTION: A demo website, created by Scrapinghub, lists quotes from famous people. It has many endpoints showing the quotes in different ways, and each endpoint presents a different scraping challenge for practicing web scraping. For this Take3 iteration, the Python script attempts to scrape the displayed quote information via an infinite scrolling page.

Note: For this iteration, the website returns the data in JSON format when using the API URL format. As a result, the BeautifulSoup module is not necessary for parsing the web pages for this iteration.

Starting URLs: http://quotes.toscrape.com/

The source code and JSON output can be found here on GitHub.